কবি নজরুল সরকারি কলেজ, ঢাকা
Department of English
"English is to make the learners competent communicators and user of the world language. English enhances personally, interactive skills and imagination. English, the language of science and technology creates opportunities to build up life and career."
Professor, Head of the Department


Dept. of English began its journey to meet the demand of the time with few teachers. Right now dept. has expanded. We have been teaching honours course since 2001 and master’s since 2009. We have nearly 1200 students at present reading in various classes. A good number of students are qualified in BCS exam and numerous job sectors. Most of the students are engaged in teaching profession willingly .Some of them prefer to work in different careers such as administration, police or multinational companies. Indeed, they have shown their qualities to fulfil their goal and dream. We have eight teachers in our department including 3 professors, one associate professor, one assistant professor and three lecturers. We try our best to enlighten the young generations to go ahead


The capabilities connect student learning within and across subjects in a range of contexts. 





Literacy is critical in the development of the skills and strategies needed to express, interpret, and communicate information, ideas, and perspectives. In Essential English literacy skills are developed through a focus on comprehending and creating written, spoken, visual, and digital texts, and using and modifying language for different purposes in a range of social and cultural contexts, including study, work, and community life. Essential English develops an awareness of the sociocultural aspects of language in social, community, workplace, and/or imagined contexts.




Students develop their numeracy skills in this subject as they practise and apply the skills of interpreting and analysing, comparing and contrasting, making connections, posing and proving arguments, making inferences, and problem-solving as they create and respond to a range of texts. They draw conclusions from statistical information, interpret graphic representations of data, use quantitative data as evidence in persuasive texts, and evaluate the use of statistics in media, business, research, and other reports.



Information and communication technology (ICT) capability

There is a focus in Essential English on ICT through the use of digital texts (including social media communication), in personal and professional contexts, and on understanding and creating multimodal texts. Students use digital technologies when they access, manage, and use information, and when creating their own texts. They develop skills in reading, viewing, and responding to digital and multimodal texts, and create texts, using different modes and mediums to practise and consolidate their language skills. Students recognise that global communication is enhanced through the use of e-literacy skills and context-appropriate etiquette and expectations.



Critical and creative thinking

Critical and creative thinking is integral to the study and creation of texts in Essential English. Students consider information, ideas, and perspectives presented in texts. In thinking about and creating their own texts, they recognise and develop arguments, use evidence, and draw reasoned conclusions. Students apply critical thinking when they use their knowledge of language to consider the purpose, audience, context, and language features of a range of texts. They recognise ways in which language is used to present individuals and social and cultural groups. Students experiment with text structures and language features as they transform and adapt texts for different purposes, audiences, and contexts. Creative thinking enables students to apply imaginative and inventive strategies in the creation of their own original works.



Personal and social capability

Students develop their sense of self, and understand their role and place in communities, through the development of their language skills. They develop their personal and social capability in this subject by extending their communication skills, teamwork, and understanding of verbal and non-verbal modes of interaction.

The study of Essential English helps students to understand different personal and social experiences, perspectives, and challenges. Students identify and express their own opinions, information, ideas, and responses by interacting with a range of texts and situations. Students learn through working and researching independently and collaboratively.

Essential English assists students in the development of communication skills needed for conversation, research, presentations, and the expression of viewpoints and arguments. They develop empathy with and appreciation of the perspectives of others. 



Ethical understanding

Ethical understanding is explored in Essential English through the selection of texts for study, for example, when students engage with ethical dilemmas presented in texts and consider reasons for actions and implications of decisions. They explore and question information, ideas, and perspectives in texts, examining how they are presented, their impact on audiences, and how they are reflected in their own responses. Through the study of Essential English, students come to appreciate and develop greater empathy with the rights and opinions of others. They develop increasingly advanced communication, research, and presentation skills to express viewpoints. Students develop an understanding of the importance of acknowledging the opinions, ideas, and perspectives of others through appropriate referencing.



Intercultural understanding

Intercultural understanding in Essential English develops an intercultural capability that includes an understanding of diversity and difference, and openness to different perspectives and experiences which, in turn, develop world-mindedness, respect for the rights of others, and a sense of global citizenship.

Through the study of contemporary and past texts, and texts from diverse cultures, students explore these connections. Students understand and can express the interdependence of language, culture, and identity and are able to appreciate and empathise with the cultural perspectives and values of others. They study how cultural concepts, beliefs, practices, and perspectives are represented in a range of textual forms and for a variety of purposes and audiences. Intercultural understanding is enhanced by developing intercultural communication skills and an understanding of international etiquette.

Professor & Head of the Department

Blood Group: O+(ve)
Mobile: 01717601670



Blood Group: B+(ve)
Mobile: 01553352307

Shahnaj Parvin

Blood Group: A+(ve)
Mobile : 01912002543
E-mail : shahnaj.prog3@gmail.com


Associate Professor

Blood Group: A+(ve)
Mobile: 01715014966

Sumaiya Khanom
Associate professor

Blood Group: O+(ve)
Mobile: 01712096249
E-mail: skruhi16488@gmail.com

মোছা: তাসলীমা হাসিন মুন্নী
Assistant Professor

Blood Group: O+
Mobile: 01715 400995
E-mail: taslima.munni0107@gmail.com

Debabbrata Mondal
Assistant Professor

Blood Group : A+(ve)
Mobile : 0191261695
E-mail : mondaldebabbrata@yahoo.com

Salma Sultana
Assistant professor

Blood Group: A+(ve)
Mobile: 01792059029
E-mail: salmattc32@gmail.com


Blood Group: B+(ve)


Blood Group: A+(ve)
Mobile: 01921845083
E-mail:: unfortunateshanti@gmail.com


Blood Group: A+(ve)
Mobile: 01920579729
E-mail: mnurunnaher@gmail.com

নোটিশ বোর্ড

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