কবি নজরুল সরকারি কলেজ, ঢাকা

Department of Philosophy

"Philosophy means comprehensive thought about human being and the world. Its topics are life, the universe and everything. It can include all the categories of religious, artistic, scientific, mathematical and logical thought.."
Fouzia Yasmin
Head Of The Department


It is said that man is a born philosopher. Every nation and every man at least every normally developed man, has a Philosophy. Sometimes it is said that philosophy is difficult or hard to understand. But so far I understand Philosophy is a very broad subject which includes all spheres of our life. The term `Philosophy’ literally means `Love of Wisdom or Search for Truth’. Philosophy, like science, seeks truth. Philosophy was used to be mentioned as `Mother of All Sciences’ or `Queen of all Sciences’. Not only that it can be mentioned here that due to such importance of philosophy one is honored to earn a degree of Doctor of Philosophy(Ph.D.) in fields of study such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Psychology, Economics and in the field of philosophy itself.

What Is Philosophy?

Philosophy means comprehensive thought about human being and the world. Its topics are life, the

universe and everything. It can include all the categories of religious, artistic, scientific,

mathematical and logical thought.


It’s Areas are-

  1. Some fundamental questions and it’s discussion like Theology,


Ontology, Metaphysics and Ethics etc.

  1. The Development of philosophical thought in western countries.
  2. Development of philosophical thought of various religions.
  3. Increase correct, accurate and appropriate logical sense and analytic ability.
  4. Various philosophical schools of Indian subcontinent.
  5. Philosophical development and discussion in our country.

Undergraduate degrees

Philosophy is one of the degrees awarded in the Faculty of Arts.

  1. A. Honours degree in philosophy is a four year program . There will be twenty three core courses

and five area courses of a total value of 120-credit consisting of 3000 marks. All the courses are

compulsory. Students are required to obtain at least D grade (40 to less than 45 marks) for an

Honours degree. A final examination will be held at the end of every year. There will be a tutorial

and an oral examination in every year.

Graduate programs

Students willing to get admission into the M.A. final year program in Philosophy are required to

have B.A. (Hons.) or M.A. Preliminary degree in Philosophy. M.A. program has a duration of one

academic year. There are twenty one courses of which four courses will be offered from group A,

two courses will be offered from group B and one course each from group C and group D. The

Philosophy Department of the concerned College will select the courses considering the strength

and availability of teachers.

 Career outlook

Our graduates contribute their Knowledge and ability in every Govt. and Non-Govt. organizations

according there demand. A Large number of our graduates involve in educational institutions and others

contribute various profession. Above all philosophy creates a human being who is logical and honest.

Fouzia Yasmin
Associate Professor( Head of The Department)

Blood group: B+

Mobile: +880 1717-361978
Email: fouziayasmin0000@gmail.com

Associate Professor

Blood group: B+(ve)

Mobile: 01710958708

E-mail: anis013965@gmail.com

Assistant Professor

Blood Group: O+

Mobile: 01717152059

E-mail: hasinalovely2000@gmail.com

Assistant Professor

Blood Group: B+(ve)

Mobile: 01924096026

E-mail:  aklimazad@gmail.com

Md Ahsanuz-zaman
Assistant Professor


mob. +880 1711-046176

blood group- A+

Zinan Binte Zaman
Assistant Professor

Blood group : B+(ve)

Mobile : 01683587704

E-mail : zinanphilosophy@gmail.com

Rayhana Jannat

Blood group : A+(ve)

Mobile : 01777400514

E-mail : ab.jannat8@gmail.com

নোটিশ বোর্ড

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Resent Notice

প্রবেশ পত্র সংগ্রহ করুণ –  BBS-212 প্রবেশ পত্র সংগ্রহ করুণ – CC প্রবেশ পত্র সংগ্রহ করুণ – BA প্রবেশ পত্র সংগ্রহ করুণ – BSS প্রবেশ পত্র সংগ্রহ করুণ – BSC বিঃদ্রঃ প্রবেশপত্রের ভুল সংশধোনের জন্য আবেদন ফর্ম নিচে দেয়া হলোঃ

***ডিগ্রি (পাস) ও সাটিফিকেট কোর্স ১ম বর্ষ-২০১৯ প্রবেশ পত্র সংগ্রহ করার বিজ্ঞপ্তি ***

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